Sixth Month (June 2023) Newsletter

We have some wonderful news! We have a new newsletter editor, David Hingston, who will take over beginning with the 9th month issue.

This month’s newsletter for the Sixth Month of 2023 (June) is available by clicking here:

Those who are on the US Postal mailing list will receive your hard copies in about a week.

The deadline for our next newsletter will be the Wednesday evening following Meeting for Worship for the Conduct of Business. There is only one issue for the summer, and the Meeting for Worship for the Conduct of Business is on July 23, so the newsletter deadline will be July 26th. Thank you!

FQM Minute on the Inherent Right of Tribal Sovereignty of the Wabanaki

Members of Falmouth Quarterly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) unite in urging full support by the Maine State Legislature for bills that encompass the consensus recommendations reached in 2020 by a Task Force composed of Maine legislators, State officials and Wabanaki leaders, i.e., bills that acknowledge and support the sovereignty of the Wabanaki Tribes and Nations within Maine.


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