
Portland Friends Meeting is a relatively large community of Quakers with many members. We also have many long time attenders for whom membership has not been and may never be a desire. We worship and share our community without distinction between members and attenders.

Considering membership in a Friends Meeting is an important step in one’s own spiritual journey and, potentially, one’s association with the larger Quaker community. This consideration prompts intentional, focused seeking and a rare opportunity to view one’s faith community, and one’s role within it, in a larger context. If you feel led to consider membership in Portland Friends Meeting the information referenced here may be helpful to your process.

An Overview of the Process for Joining Portland Friends Meeting

Quaker Values & Testimonies

Quaker Readings Relating to Membership

        Perspectives on Membership
        Faith & Practice of the New England Yearly Meeting – 1985
        Exploring Membership – Readings

Topics to Reflect Upon as You Consider Membership – Three Perspectives

        Excerpt: 2014 Interim Faith & Practice of New England Yearly Meeting
        Excerpt: A Quaker Path – Queries for Seekers
        Queries for Consideration Re. Membership in Portland Friends Meeting

Please feel free to contact any of these individuals with any questions that you may have related to membership in Portland Friends Meeting:

Clerks of Portland Friends Meeting – via e-mail 

Co-Clerks of Ministry and Counsel – via e-mail 

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