Welcome to Portland Friends Meeting
We invite you to join us for Meeting for Worship – See details below
At the core of Quaker Faith is our belief that there is that of God in every person. It is our trust that all people can have a direct inward experience of divine love, healing and guidance. We have learned that through responding to this guidance we can come to have lives reflecting the light and love of God. This is the hope, the invitation and the promise that gathers us as a people called “Friends.”
Portland Friends Meeting is an open and affirming and advocating community. We welcome attenders of all gender identities and sexual orientations.
We also welcome those from many different faith traditions.

Come join us for worship!
10:00 AM at the Portland Friends Meetinghouse (1837 Forest Avenue, Portland, Maine)
Or join us on Zoom on Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
See note below for daily silent worship on line.
For Families:
Youth Programs - When Meeting is in session upstairs, youth of all ages are welcome downstairs for “First Day School” (aka Youth Meeting). We eat snacks, learn, sing, share, and prepare for worship. Then we join the upstairs meeting in worship for the last fifteen minutes.
All ages gatherings - Every few months, we host special events where all ages gather around a theme or activity. In December, we have Advent Garden. In March, Bread Day. In April, Easter Breakfast. And more!
All ages worship - In collaboration with nearby Quaker communities, we sometimes host programmed (or semi-programmed) worship experiences to bring all the ages together.
Contact Bart Czyz, Clerk, Youth Religious Education Committee, for details and to join the families mailing list.
For Young Adults:
Young adults, or folks who identify as Millennials or Gen Z, have their own email list where Friends can post things to do together such as potlucks, outings, worship, or other opportunities. Email Maggie Fiori at nelsonmargaret92@gmail.com
For Older Teens/High Schoolers:
For high schoolers, visit here for info about our Young Friends programming! Visit here for details.
Daily Weekday Online Silent Worship:
This is an opportunity for online silent worship. The group meets for thirty minutes on zoom.
Monday through Friday at 10:30 AM. All are welcome.
The zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88630165246?pwd=QXhMYWozZnRteWFsWmdJTUZqamlUUT09
To receive regular communications about Sunday worship and other Meeting matters, you can sign up to receive our weekly e-group announcements. More information here.
Contact Co-Clerks Peter and Rob if you have any questions.
Meetinghouse Use Guidelines
Last Revised: May 7, 2023
Subject to change as conditions allow
- If you feel even the slightest bit unwell, please stay home and join us on zoom. This includes sniffles, runny nose, sore throat, headache. Don’t assume it’s not covid just because it seems mild. And even if it’s just a cold, let’s not spread those around, either.
- If you have not already done so and are eligible, please do get fully vaccinated, which includes any available boosters. If you are unable to get fully vaccinated, then you must take an over-the-counter rapid test (available at most pharmacies) that same day and receive a negative result prior to entering the building. We will have some rapid tests on hand at the Meetinghouse, which you can take upon arrival while waiting in your car. Contact the Co-Clerks ahead of time to obtain a test, and plan to arrive at least 20 minutes early to take the test.
- Masks are welcome in the Meeting room and throughout the building, including during Meeting for Worship, Meeting for Business, and other meeting-wide gatherings. We encourage KN95 or N95 masks over surgical masks, and surgical masks over cloth masks. We will have a supply of surgical masks available at the entrances to the Meetinghouse. Friends are encouraged to pull their mask aside when delivering a message during worship or speaking during Meeting for Business.
- Fellowship before and after Meeting for Worship is encouraged, and we often have refreshments at the Rise of Meeting. Friends are advised to take note of this and make personal decisions accordingly.
- There are five portable air purifiers in the Meeting room that will be on during Meeting for Worship. Please use them for other meetings and events, and feel free to temporarily remove one from the Meeting Room to another room that you are using for a smaller meeting.
- As weather permits, we will open windows in any room that we are using, including the bathroom (curtain will block the view). Turn on the overhead fan in Meeting room. Keep windows open for at least 20 minutes after use, to replace air flow. But please remember to close windows when you leave.
- To schedule an event, even a small group meeting, be sure to check the Meetinghouse calendar at www.portlandfriendsmeeting.org, and contact Megan Holt at meetinghouse@portlandfriendsmeeting.org.
- Families or groups seeking to hold memorial services and similar large events will be asked to follow these Guidelines.