Register to attend the Gathering at
To sign up as a volunteer helper or to host traveling Friends, please fill out the forms below.
Maine Wabanaki Child Welfare Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Awakening the Dreamer
Where are we, at this moment, in our relation with our Earth?
How did we get to this point?
Where do we go from here?
We invite you to explore these important questions, as we present
Committed to bringing about an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and
spiritually fulfilling human presence on this planet.
The Symposium is based upon a partnership that has developed between the Achuar people from the Amazon,and people from the industrialized world, who met them in Ecuador.
This exciting, timely presentation will bring you to the realization that we are at a moment in history whenthe Eagle – the symbol of the developed world that represents the best of the intellect and the mind – and the Condor – the bird that for indigenous people represents the best of wisdom and the heart – must come together to ensure the continued existence of humankind. We have much to learn from each other.
Date: Feb. 4, 2012
Time: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
(arrive 9:45 for start time of 10 a.m.)
Place: Portland Friends Meeting
1837 Forest Ave. (between
Hannaford and Tortilla Flat)
Bring bag lunch, drinks provided
Pre-register:, especially if you need child care
Please join us as we address these questions with brilliant, impactful videos and interactive exercises. You will have opportunities to add your own thoughts, raise your own questions, and to meet fellow humans who share your interests and concerns. We will make you aware of ways in which you can join in the fast-growing, powerful global movement to bring about positive change. You may find yourself in a state of what Paul Hawken calls “blessed unrest”!
2012 Individual & Committee Responsibilities at PFM
2012 Individual & Committee Responsibilities at PFM
(as of January 8, 2012, new this year in italics)
Co-Clerks of Meeting ………………… Muriel Allen & Anne Harwood
Co-Recording Clerks (Bus. Meeting)…. Lyn Ballou & Jenny Doughty
Recorder (Meeting’s official records) … Lise Wagner
Treasurer (Operating Account) ……… Kathy Beach
Treasurer (Contributions) …………… Sue Nelson
Treasurer (Special Funds) …………… Sara Jane Elliot
Reviewer of Financial Records ……… Beth King
Special Needs Fund ………………….. Chris Beach & Elizabeth Szatkowski
Youth Religious Ed. Coordinator……. Anne Payson
Nursery Religious Ed. Coordinator…. Aja Stephan
Meetinghouse Use Coordinator ……. Jane Mullen
Back-up Person …………………… Patricia Pyle
PFM’s Nominees to FSP Board……… _______________
Egroup Coordinator ………………… Mary Beth Walsh
Ministry & Counsel (meets 3rd Thursday, 6:30, Back Classroom)
Jenny Doughty (’12) Lee Ivy (’13) Jim Maier (’14)
Kate Potter (’12) Christine Fletcher (’13) Arthur Fink (’14)
Stephanie Richards (’12) Dee Kelsey (’13) Lyn Ballou (’14)
Peace & Social Concerns
*Kiya Smith, Jennifer Frick, Sydney McDowell, Karin Wagner, Tom Tracy
Dennis Redfield, Muriel Allen (ex officio)
Financial Oversight Committee
*Tom Tracy, Terry Garrett, _______________
Kathy Beach, (ex officio), Sara Jane Elliot (ex officio), Sue Nelson (ex officio),
Communications Committee
Newsletter: Anna Barnett, Marion Lundgren, Liz Maier, Tony Scilipoti, H. D. Wagener. Website Development: Tony Scilipoti, Arthur Fink, Darlene Ivy, Rich Nagle, E-group Coordinator = Mary Beth Walsh (Back-up = Patricia Pyle).
Recording Announcements: 1st Sun: Chris Beach, 2nd Sun: Patricia Pyle,
3rd Sun: Stephanie Richards, 4th Sun: , 5th Sun: Christine Fletcher
●Buildings & Grounds (meets 3rd Sunday, 9:15, Kitchen)
* Liz Maier, Ward Archer, Dorothy Coyle, Syl Doughty, Tom Pulling, H. D. Wagener,
Will Kessler, ____________, James Grumbach (winter only), Tracy Booth (summer only),
Ed Robinson (helping hand).
PFM Resource Committee for FSP
Rita Clifford (’12), Stefanie Fairchild (’12), Kate Potter (’13), Kiya Smith (’13),
Chris Beach (’14), Terry Garrett (’14)
Library Committee
*Karyl Sylken, Colleen Crowley, Stephanie Richards, _______________
Cemetery Committee
*Ed Robinson, Andy Grannell, Lee Ivy, Al Schryver, Karyl Sylken, _______________
Earth & Spirit (meets 3rd Sunday, 9:15, Back Classroom)
*Barbara Rose McIntosh, Mary Brock, John Radebaugh, Ed Robinson,
Aaiyn Foster, Holly Travers, _______________ ,
Pastoral Oversight Committee (meets 3rd Sunday, 9:15, Parlor)
* Shannon O’Connor & *David Spector, Sue Calhoun, Morgan Grumbach,
Kristine MacCormick, Al Norton, _______________, _______________,
Hospitality Committee
*Heidi Johnson, Marlee Turner, Sarah Cushman, Christina Davis, Emily Silevenac
Adult Religious Education Committee
* Brad Bussiere-Nichols, Andy Grannell, Sandi Jensen, Elizabeth Szatkowski &
Donna Yellen, _______________, _______________,
●Youth Religious Education Committee
* Shuli Bonham, Chris Fitze, Chris Gunderman, Susan Lavigne, Obie Philbrook, Lise
Wagner, Sarah Davis, _______________, Anne Payson (ex officio), Aja Stephan (ex officio)
●Teams to Clean up & Close Meetinghouse after Meeting for Worship
1st First Day of month: *Chris Beach & Kathy Beach
●2nd First Day of month: Jen Frick & Peter Raszmann + Brad B-N & Sandi Jensen
●3rd First Day of month: Marnie Grumbach & Morgan Grumbach
●4th First Day of month: Marion Lundgren & H. D. Wagener
5th First Day of month: Christine Fletcher & Richard Nagle
Leadings: Patricia Pyle, Brad B-N., Jasa Porciello, Lise Wagner, Muriel Allen, Sandi Jensen
Archive Committee (re-born): Karyl Sylken, Sandi Jensen, Andy Grannell, Colleen Crowley
Nominating Committee (To be reconstituted in February of 2012)
*Chris Be. (’11); Elizabeth Sz. (’11); Rob Le. (’11); Rita Cl. (’12); Kate Po. (’12)
* = Convener or Clerk of committee; (______________ = position yet to be filled)
Evening Meeting For Worship Begins 6/26
This is a reminder that starting on June 26th Meeting for Worship will begin at 5:00pm rather than the customary 10:30am.
New Portland Friends Meeting Website
The new Portland Friends Meeting website is now available. This site will be updated to contain the latest information about the meeting as well as meeting-related events.